Download the new Fire Cloak™ Electric Vehicle Fire Blanket brochure!

  • Fire Cloak USA brochure

Download the new Fire Cloak™ Electric Vehicle Fire Blanket brochure!

We’re delighted to announce the very latest issue of our Fire Cloak™ Electric Vehicle Fire Blanket brochure!

This comprehensive brochure includes all the information you need to understand how the Fire Cloak™ contains electric and hybrid vehicle fires to minimises collateral damage.

Highlights Matt Butcher, sales and marketing manager at Prosol UK: “Our previous Fire Cloak™ brochures have been downloaded thousands of times by companies and individuals across the world since its launch.

“This latest issue is even more comprehensive and includes a new section on ‘what causes EV fires’ as well as details of all of the products in the Fire Cloak™ range including our new Lithium Battery Blanket, XL Fire Cloak and a sneak preview of several new products that will be launched in 2024 – watch this space!”

Click here to download the new Fire Cloak™ Electric Vehicle Fire Blanket brochure.

By |2024-01-19T16:38:24+00:0012 December 2023|Tags: , , , |

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